Pint of Science: Brilliant Bodies, the first chapter
Mon, 22 May
Kicking off our health themed talks this year we feature a variety of topics that come from the heart to the death of royalty and focusing on that old adage, "you are what you eat"!

Time & Location
22 May 2023, 19:30 – 21:30
ZERO, Friary St, Guildford GU1 4EH, UK
About the Event
Professor Christian Heiss (Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, Head of Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine)
‘What the hell is an Angiologist?’ …asked the GMC when Surrey gave him a chair. Tips of icebergs, sad neglected black toes, brave tales of plumbing and let there be light for the pipes to give the nurses a break.
The King died instantaneously: thoracic aortic aneurysms and the hunt for a biomarkerDr Salvatore Santamaria (BHF Basic Science Research Fellow/Lecturer)
On 25th October, 1760, King George II was found dead by his valet. “He must have dropped down, and died instantaneously”, wrote Dr. Nicholls, the surgeon in charge of the autopsy, in the proceedings of the Royal Society. The good doctor promptly identified the cause of death: thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections (TAAD), a silent killer that 263 years later is still on the loose. In this talk I will focus on the molecular mechanisms of TAAD and how their elucidation is driving the discovery of biomarkers that will allow clinicians to monitor this disease and prevent its most lethal outcome
The good, the bad and the (kinda) cuteDr Kezia Kozel (Research Fellow in Molecular Parasitology) Dr Martha Betson (Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Parasitology) Nisha Tucker (Postgraduate Research Student) Sara Healy (Postgraduate Research Student)
Join our team of researchers as they delve into the world of food safety. You’ll gain insights into the parasites that may be lurking in what you eat, how we search for them in the lab and what we can do to protect our health.